


See Also

  • Law Dictionaries.
  • Adoption; Fertility Control; Population; Population Policies.

    Children’s Rights; Fertility Rates; Inheritance and Property; Law, Children and the.

    Child Custody; Child Support; DNA Evidence; Family Law; Parent and Child.

  • Further Reading

    Brinton, Crane 1936 French Revolutionary Legislation on Illegitimacy: 1789-1804. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.

    Davis, Kingsley 1939 Illegitimacy and the Social Structure. American Journal of Sociology 45:215-233.

    Demographic Yearbook. _ Issued annually by the United Nations since 1948. See especially the yearbooks covering 1954, 1955, and 1959.

    Field, Mark G. 1955 Social Services for the Family in the Soviet Union. Marriage and Family Living 17: 244-249.

    Goode, William J. 1960 Illegitimacy in the Caribbean Social Structure. American Sociological Review 25: 21-30.

    Goode, William J. 1961 Illegitimacy, Anomie, and Cultural Penetration. American Sociological Review 26: 910-925.

    Mace, David R.; and Mace, Vera 1963 The Soviet Family. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.

    Malinowski, Bronislaw 1930 Parenthood: The Basis of Social Structure. Pages 113-168 in Victor F. Calverton and Samuel D. Schmalhausen (editors), The New Generation: The Intimate Problems of Modern Parents and Children. New York: Macaulay.

    Reed, Ruth 1934 The Illegitimate Family in New York City: Its Treatment by Social and Health Agencies. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. _ Contains an annotated bibliography of 384 references published between 1912 and 1933.

    Schachter, Joseph; and Mccarthy, Mary 1960 Illegitimate Births: United States, 1938-1957. Washington: Government Printing Office.

    Shapiro, Sam 1950 Illegitimate Births: 1938-1947. U.S. National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics -Special Reports 33:69-106.

    Taeuber, Irene B. 1958 The Population of Japan. Princeton Univ. Press.

    U.S. Bureau of Family Services 1960 Illegitimacy and Its Impact on the Aid to Dependent Children Program. Washington: Government Printing Office.

    U.S. National Vital Statistics Division 1939-Vital Statistics of the United States. Washington: Government Printing Office. _ Published since 1939; the 1939 issue covers the year 1937.

    Vincent, Clark E. 1961 Unmarried Mothers. New York: Free Press. _ Contains a bibliography of 191 items.

    Vincent, Clark E. 1964 Illegitimacy in the Next Decade: Trends and Implications. Child Welfare [1964]: 513-520.

    More Further Reading

    Anderson, Michael, ed. 1996. British Population History from the Black Death to the Present Day. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Dickinson, Edward Ross. 1996. The Politics of German Child Welfare from the Empire to the Federal Republic. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

    Gordon, Linda. 1994. Pitied But Not Entitled: Single Mothers and the History of Welfare 1890-1935. New York: Free Press, Macmillan.

    Hansen, Lars Ivar, ed. 2000. Family, Marriage and Property Devolution in the Middle Ages. Tromso §, Norway: University of Tromso§.

    Henderson, John, and Richard Wall, eds. 1994. Poor Women and Children in the European Past. London and New York: Routledge.

    Klaus, Alisa. 1993. Every Child a Lion: The Origins of Maternal and Infant Health Policy in the United States and France, 1890-1920. Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press.

    Laslett, Peter, Karla Osterveen, and Richard M. Smith, eds. 1980. Bastardy and Its Comparative History. London: Edward Arnold.

    Lo§kke, Anne. 1998. Do § den i barndommen. Copenhagen, Denmark: Gyldendal.

    Valverde, Lola. 1994. “Illegitimacy and the Abandonment of Children in the Basque Country, 1550-1800.” In Poor Women and Children in the European Past, ed. John Henderson and Richard Wall. London and New York: Routledge.

    Astri Andresen

    Illegitimacy in Law Enforcement

    Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of illegitimacy.


    See Also

    • Law Enforcement Officer
    • Police Work
    • Law Enforcement Agency

    Further Reading

    Illegitimacy, Sexual Behaviour and the Law

    Further Reading






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