blue and red cargo ship on sea during daytime


International Trade Meaning and Definition of Alongside

Meaning of Alongside

A phrase referring to the side of a ship. Goods to be delivered “alongside” are to be placed on the dock or barge within reach of the transport ship’s tackle so that they can be loaded aboard the ship.

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Alongside in Historical Law

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What does Alteration mean in American Law?

The definition of Alteration in the law of the United States, as defined by the lexicographer Arthur Leff in his legal dictionary is:

A change, amendment, or modification. The term may be used with respect to a physical object, or a writing. A contract, e.g., may be altered by agreement of the parties, as may a trust pursuant to powers reserved to the settlor, and leased premises if permitted by the lease. Alteration in law usually refers to an act by a person with some licit connection to the item altered, not to the act of a stranger, which is properly called “spoliation.” Naturally, alteration without the assent of the other party, or the owner, is either ineffective (as with a contract) or tortious, or even criminal (e.g., when the item altered is a brand on someone else’s cattle). When an alteration of some kind is sought to be given legal significance, it is usually required that it be material; a nail in the wall of leased premises will not be deemed an “alteration.” Probably the most common legal use of the term “alteration” occurs in the law of commercial paper, where it refers to a change made in a bill of

exchange or promissory note, for the details and effect of which see U.C.C. § 3-407.

See also mutilation; obliteration.


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Alteration in Law Enforcement

Main Entry: Law Enforcement in the Legal Dictionary. This section provides, in the context of Law Enforcement, a partial definition of alteration.


See Also

  • Law Enforcement Officer
  • Police Officer
  • Law Enforcement Agency

Further Reading

English Legal System: Alteration

In the context of the English law, A Dictionary of Law provides the following legal concept of Alteration :

A change that, when made in a legal document, may affect its validity. An alteration in a will is presumed to have been made after execution and will therefore be invalid. However, it will be valid if it is proved to have been made before execution or if it was executed in the same way as the will itself. If the alteration is duly attested by the testator and the witnesses placing their initials or signatures by it, it is presumed to be valid. If an invalid alteration completely obliterates the original words, it is treated as a blank space. If the original words can still be read, they remain effective. Alterations in deeds are presumed to have been made before executio Alterations made after execution do not affect the validity of the deed If their purpose is to correct an obvious error. If, however, a material alteration is made to a deed after execution without the consent of the parties, the deed may become void in part.

See also amendment.

Meaning of Alteration

In this law dictionary, the legal term alteration is a kind of the Property class.


See Also

  • Property
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